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Masterthesis Steffen Lauschke

Last modified May 27, 2013

The documentation of application landscapes is an essential part of Enterprise Architecture Management. It is addressed by software cartography, which deals with the visualization of business application systems and their complex dependencies on each other, their relationships to e.g. business processes, organisational units and geographic locations, by means of software maps. The goal thereby is to support documenting, evaluating and planning complex application landscapes. The manual creation and maintenance of such visualizations is very time consuming and error-prone. To leverage those tasks, a model driven approach for automatically generating software map specifications has been proposed by [Er06b] and was successfully implemented. The resulting specifications not necessarily contain information about the positions and dimensions of graphical elements which therefore have to be computed by a layout component in a way that certain visual aesthetic claims are settled.
This master’s thesis presents a pattern based approach for olving the layout problem. The approach is based on finding patterns in software map specifications resulting from the transformation and applying specialized, efficient algorithms to derive partial layouts, which are then integrated into a complete layout of the software map. By implementing the approach in the SoCaTool developed by sebis1, the feasibility of efficient and automated software map layout is demonstrated.

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