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Paper accepted at i-KNOW 2012

The paper "Multi-faceted context-dependent knowledge organisation with TACKO" was accepted at the i-KNOW 2012 conference.

In the paper, the author team Florian Matthes, Christian Neubert, and Alexander Steinhoff introduce TACKO, a novel organization scheme that is inspired by the flexibility of tagging systems and incorporates elements of hierarchical and faceted organization schemes.

Article on automated EA documentation published at AMCIS

An article has been published at the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). In the article "Automating Enterprise Architecture Documentation using Models of an Enterprise Service Bus" the author team (Markus Buschle, Mathias Ekstedt, Sebastian Grunow, Matheus Hauder, Sascha Roth, and Florian Matthes) investigate a specific Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) as an information source for automated EA documentation.

Paper accepted at Hypertext 2012

The paper "Structuring folksonomies with implicit tag relations" was accepted as a poster at the Hypertext 2012 conference. In the paper, the author team Florian Matthes, Christian Neubert, and Alexander Steinhoff describe how the accessibility of contents in tagging systems can be improved by retroactively establishing implicit structures through systematic tag assignments and removals.

EAM KPI Catalog V1.0 published

The first version of the EAM KPI Catalog has been just released. In the document, the author team (Florian Matthes, Ivan Monahov, Alexander Schneider, and Christopher Schulz) provide 52 uniformly structured key performance indicators (KPIs) which serve at measuring the EA management goal fulfillment.

Article on Interactive Visualizations in Enterprise Architecture (EA)...

In the paper "Towards a Conceptual Framework for Interactive Enterprise Architecture Management Visualizations", the author team (Michael Schaub, Florian Matthes, and Sascha Roth) introduce a conceptual framework for interactive EA visualizations. The framework is demonstrated based on an example that has been implemented at our chair. Further, the framework is employed to relate different approaches.