Jul 5, 2010
, by
Thomas Büchner
(account disabled)
The article Data Model Driven Implementation of Web Cooperation Systems with Tricia has been accepted for publication at ICOODB 2010.
In the article the author team (Thomas Büchner, Florian Matthes, and Christian Neubert) present the data model framework of Tricia, an open source web collaboration and knowledge software.
Apr 19, 2010
, by
Thomas Büchner
(account disabled)
The article "Visualization of Introspective Data Models with Tricia" has been accepted for publication and presentation at the 2nd Workshop of GI Working Group „Long-living Software Systems (L2S2)“ Design for Future 2010. In the article, the author team (Thomas Büchner, Florian Matthes, Christian Neubert) presents three exemplary visualizations of data models build with Tricia, an open source Java platform used for the development of data intensive web applications.
Oct 22, 2009
, by
Thomas Büchner
(account disabled)
The article Was EAM-Tools leisten (authors: Sabine Buckl and Christian M. Schweda) is published in Computerwoche (43/2009). In the article the author teams describes the variety of tools for EA management. A central aspect discussed thereby is the continuum of solution approaches ranging from minimalistic modelling tools to powerful process-driven tools.