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Paper on Enterprise Architecture Documentation accepted for publication at WI 2013

A research paper has been accepted for publication at the 11th International Conference for Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2013). The paper entitled “Enterprise Architecture Documentation: Current Practices and Future Directions” reports on a survey among 140 Enterprise Architecture (EA) practitioners to analyze issues organizations face while documenting the EA and keeping the documentation up to date. The author team (Sascha Roth, Matheus Hauder, Matthias Farwick, Ruth Breu, and Florian Matthes) present results on current practices, challenges, and automation techniques for EA documentation in a descriptive manner.

Trends for Enterprise Architecture Management and Tools survey launched

The research team members Sabine Buckl, Florian Matthes, Ivan Monahov, Sascha Roth, and Christian M. Schweda in cooperation with Detecon started a survey gathering future trends for enterprise architecture management and tools (TEAMT). Please find more detailed information on the TEAMT project site.

In EAM, the Keyword Is Enterprise

This is the title of an article published at IT Business Edge in the US which also cites our EAM tool survey 2008.