Feb 23, 2010
, by
Thomas Büchner
(account disabled)
Christian M. Schweda presented the article From EA management patterns towards a prescriptive theory for designing enterprise-specific EA management functions at MKWI 2010 in Göttingen.
Feb 21, 2010
, by
Thomas Büchner
(account disabled)
Christian M. Schweda presented the article Interrelating Concerns in EA Documentation – Towards a Conceptual Framework of Relationships at PEAM 2010 in Paderborn.
Jun 20, 2009
, by
Florian Matthes
This is the title of the presentation of Florian Matthes given at the Software Architecture Symposium 2009 in Kiel. It discusses modeling and design issues at the enterprise architecture management level and presents an information model and a graphical view on this model to help enterprise architects to plan and communicate project roadmaps.
Jun 9, 2009
, by
Thomas Büchner
(account disabled)