BIOPICA web based platform for creating biometric pictures in a few steps. ContactThe members of this team are:
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QUAZZIAA collaborative Q&A platform that allows students to ask and answer questions directly on studying materials and therefore enhance the learning experience. ContactThe members of this team are:
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2TERentaway is a social rental platform to help you save money by renting tools, equipment and more from people near you. ContactThe members of this team are:
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CookItAllCookItAll is an online recipe recommendation platform where people looking for cooking ideas can search for recipes consisting only of the ingredients they have at home. Furthermore, users can create new recipes, give feedback and create or join cooking groups. ContactThe members of this team are:
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WiesnBuddyA platform for connecting people who want to visit the Münchner Oktoberfest. ContactThe members of this team are:
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CraftWorksAn online shopping platform for hand crafted collections. ContactThe members of this team are:
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ResearchHubResearchHub is sharing and matching platform which supports students in finding suitable research projects based on their preferences, experience and interest, teaching staff in promoting their research among students and companies in hiring the ones that are fitting needs of businesses the best way. ContactThe members of this team are:
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DELIVER-EDeliver-e has got everything for online grocery shopping. ContactThe members of this team are:
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LIFT LIKE METhe social fittnes platform for training plans, personal trainers and workout groups ContactThe members of this team are:
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TIMEETTimeet is a scheduling tool which helps arrange meetings suitable for all participants. It finds the best overlap of availabilities which are either simply drawn or imported from calendar. ContactThe members of this team are:
To get in contact with the team, click here. |