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Dr. Gloria Bondel

Faculty of Informatics
Chair of Informatics 19
Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis)    

Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching bei München, Germany

Phone  -
Fax +49 89 289-17136
Email gloria.bondel [at]


Room FMI 01.12.036
Office hours: by appointment


Matheus Hauder         LinkedIn




Curriculum Vitae

Gloria Bondel joined the chair for Software Engineering of Business Information Systems at the Technical University Munich in April 2017. She holds a M.Sc. in Management & Technology.

Between her B.Sc. and M.Sc. Gloria Bondel worked one and a half years as an IT Consultant at Ernst & Young Germany. She contributed to projects in the following fields:

  • IT due diligence
  • IT post merger integration
  • Cost allocation of IT costs
  • Methodolgical concepts for large-scale IT projects


Research Interests

  • Enterprise Architecture Management
  • API Economy



[Bo21a]Bondel, G.; Kamysek, J.; Kraft, M.; Matthes, F.: Design and Implementation of a Test Tool for PSD2 Compliant Interfaces, ICEIS 2021, Virtual, 2021 - to be published.
[Bo20e]Bondel, G.; Garrido, G. M.; Baumer, K.; Matthes, F.: Towards a Privacy-Enhancing Tool Based on De- Identification Methods, Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2020), Virual, 2020.
[Bo20d]Bondel, G.; Rehm, S.-V.; Matthes, F.: Just Linking the Dots? Barriers and Drivers in Creating Value from Application Porgamming Interfaces, Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2020), Virtual, 2020.
[Bo20c]Bondel, G.; Garrido, G. M.; Baumer, K.; Matthes, F.: The Use of De-identification Methods for Secure and Privacy-Enhancing Big Data Analytics in Cloud Environments, ICEIS 2020, Prague, 2020.
[Bo20b]Bondel, G.; Buchelt, S.; Ulrich, N.; Urlberger, H.; Kabelin, C.; Matthes, F.: Towards a Change Management Framework for Cloud Transitions: Findings from a Case Study at a German Machine Manufacturer, ICEIS 2020, Prague, 2020.
[Bo20a]Bondel, G.; Nägele, S.; Koch, F.; Matthes, F.: Barriers for the Advancement of an API Economy in the German Automotive Industry and Potential Measures to Overcome these Barriers, ICEIS 2020, Prague, 2020.
[Hu20]Huth, D.; Vilser, M.; Bondel, G.; Matthes, F.: Empirical Task Analysis of Data Protection Management and Its Collaboration with Enterprise Architecture Management, ICEIS 2020, Prague, 2020.
[Bo19a]Bondel, G.; Bui, D. H.; Faber, A.; Seidel, D.; Hauder, M.: Towards a Process and Tool Support for Collaborative API Proposal Management, AMCIS: Americas Conference on Information Systems, Cancún, 2019.
 [Fa19c]Faber, A.; Riemhofer, M.; Rehm, S.-V.; Bondel, G.: A Systematic Mapping Study on Business Ecosystem Types, AMCIS: Americas Conference on Information Systems, Cancún, 2019.
 [La18b]Landthaler, J.; Uludağ, Ö.; Bondel, G.; Elnagger, A.; Nair, S.; Matthes, F.: A Machine Learning Based Approach to Application Landscape Documentation, 11th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM), Vienna, Austria, 2018.
[Bo18aBondel, G.; Faber, A.; Matthes, F.:Reporting from the Implementation of a Business Capability Map as Business-IT Alignment Tool, 10th Workshop on Service oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering, Stockholm, Sweden 2018.
[AHM18c]Hernandez-Mendez, A.; Faber, A.; Bondel, G.; Matthes, F.: Towards an Ontology-Based Information System for Smart City Ecosystems, Proceedings of the 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, 2018.
[Bo17]Bondel, G.; Matthes, F.: Hybride Wikis als Repository für IT-Unternehmensarchitektur. In: Keller, W.: IT-Unternehmensarchitektur: Von der Geschäftsstrategie zur optimalen IT-Unterstützung. dpunkt.Verlag.


Research Projects


The sebis chair is part of the project "Knowledge4Retail", which is a winning project of the "Künstliche Intelligenz als Treiber für volkswirtschaftlich relevante Ökosysteme" programme and thus funded by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi). The goal of Knowledge4Retail is to advance the digitization of retail by developing a data platform enables the combination of online and stationary retail, serves strategic marketing and makes digital solutions available for individual customer service using a semantic digital twin. More information about the project can be found

EAM-Initiative - The Open EAM Knowledge Platform
Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) is a complex and hard to grab topic. This is due to a huge, unstructured body of knowledge which is constantly growing and the existence of different language communities, which emerged over time. Due to these circumstances, there is no definition of state-of-the-art EAM foundations relevant to practitioners. Also, there are high entrance barriers for young scholars. To address this issue, a group of eight EAM experts founded the As the mission statement states, this is „… an open Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) platform ... [which] guides you to examples from practice and to reusable study material based on a consolidated conceptual foundation. We want to make EAM accessible to a wider audience and to advance the effectiveness of EA initiatives based on contributions from the EA community.“ more here ...


TUM Living Lab Connected Mobility
The aim of this project is to deliver innovative contributions regarding the design, the architecture, and the scalable realization of an open,vendor independence 
digital mobility platform. This platform will be developed in a close cooperation with leading companies and will offer small and medium-sized companies a 
marketplace to develop and operate digital mobility services with substantial lower financial, organization and technical effort with the option of networking. 
more here ...



Term Level Title Type Role
WiSe 20/21 Master Software Engineering in der industriellen Praxis Lecture Organizer
 SoSe 20 Master  EAM Miniprojekte Seminar  Organizer
WiSe 19/20 Master  Strategic IT Management & Enterprise Architecture Management  Lecture Advisor 
WiSe 19/20 Master Master Lab Course Web Applications Lab course Advisor
WiSe 19/20 Master Software Engineering in der industriellen Praxis Lecture Organizer 
SoSe 19 Master EAM Miniprojekte Seminar Advisor
SoSe 19 Master Gründung und Führung kleiner softwareorientierter Unternehmen Seminar Advisor 
WS 18/19 Master Software Engineering in der industriellen Praxis Lecture Organizer
WS 18/19 Master Strategisches IT Management & Enterprise Architecture Management  Lecture Advisor
SoSe 18 Master EAM Miniprojekte Seminar Advisor
WS 17/18 Master Software Engineering in der industriellen Praxis Lecture Organizer
WS 17/18 Master Strategisches IT Management & Enterprise Architecture Management  Lecture Advisor
SoSe 17 Master Gründung und Führung kleiner softwareorientierter Unternehmen Seminar Advisor


Student Theses