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Dr. Anne Faber

Last modified Nov 26, 2019
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Software Engineering of Business Information Systems                

Ernst Denert-Stiftungslehrstuhl
Chair of Informatics 19
Department of Informatics
Technische Universität München

Boltzmannstraße 3, D-85748 Garching

Phone +49 89 289-17104
Fax +49 89 289-17136
anne.faber [at]

Room FMI 01.12.036
Office hours by appointment





Curriculum Vitae & Research Interests

Anne Faber was a research associate at the chair for Software Engineering of Business Information Systems (sebis) at the Technische Universität München from January 2016 to June 2019.
She holds a master's degree in Mathematics from the RWTH Aachen University.

After her studies she worked as an IT consultant at GmbH in Cologne, where her main field of activity was IT Risk Management.




TUM Living Lab Connected Mobility
The aim of this project is to deliver innovative contributions regarding the design, the architecture, and the scalable realization of an open,vendor independence 
digital mobility platform. This platform will be developed in a close cooperation with leading companies and will offer small and medium-sized companies a 
marketplace to develop and operate digital mobility services with substantial lower financial, organization and technical effort with the option of networking. 
more here ...



Business Ecosystem Modeling and Visualization

Undoubtedly, companies increasingly recognize the relevance of their complex business environment in which they develop, produce and distribute their
services and products. This environment is often referred to as business ecosystem. Addressing the associated challenges and opportunities is a reality
for most companies. The growing relevance of business ecosystems substantiates through the perceived shift of the competitive environment from single
companies and their supply chains towards ecosystems competing against each other..  more here ...





Faber, Anne; Riemhofer, Maximilian; Huth, Dominik; Matthes, Florian
Visualizing Business Ecosystems: Results of a Systematic Mapping Study
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS, Crete, 2019

Faber, Anne; Matthes, Florian; Rehm, Sven-Volker; Goel, Lakshmi
Tool-Supported Collaborative Modeling and Visualizations of Business Ecosystems
7th Collective Intelligence, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA [tbp]

Faber, Anne; Riemhofer, Maximilian; Rehm, Sven-Volker; Bondel, Gloria
A Systematic Mapping Study on Business Ecosystem Types
25th Americas Conference on Information Systems - New Frontiers in Digital Convergence (AMCIS) [tbp]


Faber, Anne; Rehm, Sven-Volker; Hernandez-Mendez, Adrian; Matthes, Florian
Modeling and Visualizing Smart City Mobility Business Ecosystems: Insights from a Case Study
Information 2018, 9(11), 270;

Faber, Anne; Hernandez-Mendez, Adrian; Sven-Volker Rehm; Matthes, Florian
Visualizing Business Ecosystems: Applying a Collaborative Modelling Process in Two Case Studies
29th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), Sydney, Australia, 2018 

Braun, Daniel; Faber, Anne; Hernandez Mendez, Adrian; Matthes, Florian
Automatic Relation Extraction for Building Smart City Ecosystems using Dependency Parsing
2nd Workshop on Natural Language for Artificial Intelligence 

Bondel, Gloria; Faber, Anne; Matthes, Florian
Reporting from the Implementation of a Business Capability Map as Business-IT Alignment Tool
21th Conference on Enterprise Distributed Object Computing (EDOC), Stockholm, Sweden 2018 

Faber, Anne; Riemhofer, Maximilian; Hernandez-Mendez, Adrian; Matthes, Florian
Visualizing an Emerging Mobility Business Ecosystem
5th Internation IEEE Congress on Information Science and Technology (CiSt 2018), Marrakech, Morocco, 2018

Hernandez-Mendez, Adrian; Faber, Anne; Bondel, Gloria; Matthes, Florian
Towards an Ontology-Based Information System for Smart City Ecosystems
Proceedings of the 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, 2018

Faber, Anne; Hernandez-Mendez, Adrian; Rehm, Sven-Volker; Matthes, Florian
An Agile Framework for Modeling Smart City Business Ecosystems
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 2018

Huth, Dominik; Faber, Anne; Matthes, Florian
Towards an Understanding of Stakeholders and Dependencies in the EU GDPR
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2018, Band 1

Faber, Anne; Huth, Dominik; Matthes, Florian
State-of-the-practice in analyzing enterprises' business ecosystems
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2018, Band 2

Braun, Daniel; Hernandez Mendez, Adrian; Faber, Anne; Langen, Manfred; Matthes, Florian
Customer-Centred Intermodal Combination of Mobility Services with Conversational Interfaces
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2018, Band 4


Rehm, Sven-Volker; Faber, Anne; Goel, Lakshmi
Visualizing Platform Hubs of Smart City Mobility Business Ecosystems
Thirty Eighth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea, 2017

Faber, Anne
Towards a Visual Language Approach for Modeling Business Ecosystems
Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium and Industry Track Papers presented at the 10th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM), Leuven, Belgium, 2017

Hernandez-Mendez, Adrian; Faber, Anne; Matthes, Florian
Towards a Data Science Environment for Modeling Business Ecosystems: The Connected Mobility Case.
Proceedings of the 21 Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS) - 1st International Workshop on Data Science: Methodologies and Use-Cases (DaS) 2017

Huth, Dominik; Faber, Anne; Matthes, Florian 
Personal Mobility Data: Threats and Opportunities.
MobilTUM Conference 2017, Munich

Amini, S.; Beckers, K.; Böhm, M.; Busch, F.; Celikkaya, N.; Cozzolino V.; Faber, A.; Haus, M.; Huth, D.; Kemper, A.; Kipf, A.;
Krcmar H.; Matthes, F.; Ott, J.; Prehofer, C.; Pretschner, A.; Uludağ Ö.; Wörndl, W.
Informatikforschung für digitale Mobilitätsplattformen: Am Beispiel des TUM Living Lab Connected Mobility, Informatik-Spektrum (40):2, pages 180-191, 2017.

Faber, Anne; Hernandez-Mendez, Adrian; Matthes, Florian
Towards an Understanding of the Connected Mobility Ecosystem from a German Perspective. 
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling (AEM) 2017



Student Theses