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EAVTS - Enterprise Architecture Visualization Tool Survey

Last modified by Florian Matthes Dec 15, 2017


Over the past decade Enterprise Architecture (EA) management matured to an accepted management discipline commonly perceived as strategic advantage. In 2006 and 2008 sebis undertook efforts to gather and document best-practices from industry in the EA Management Pattern Catalog [Bu08a]. Practitioners applied these patterns successfully and tailored them to their specific EA management context. In 2010 and 2011, sebis synthesized these patterns to mutually exclusive and composable building blocks [Bu10x]. In combination with an administrative method, these building blocks for EA management solutions (BEAMS) facilitate the process of tailoring best practices for practitioners.

In recent years, we have observed a considerable increase in importance and variety of EA visualizations. As a result, EA tool vendors extended visualization capabilities of their products. In this research project, we investigate the state-of-the-art in EA visualizations. We address both the industry perspective as well as the EA tool vendor perspective. Our main objective is to conduct two surveys with practioners and EA tool vendors respectively, gain insights in terms of EA visualization and share our results in the EA Visualization Catalog 2014.

Final Report

The final report of our Enterprise Architecture Visualization Tool Survey 2014 can be downloaded without registration. 



We focus on

  • Stakeholder concerns (problems and goals),
  • Viewpoints used to address those concerns, and
  • respective Information Models.


  • Tool vendor survey (identify visualization capabilities of EA tools)
  • Practitioner survey (prioritize visualization types and identify industry demands)



[Bu08a] Buckl, S.; Ernst, A.; Lankes, J.; Matthes, F.: Enterprise Architecture Management Pattern Catalog (Version 1.0, February 2008). Technical Report TB0801, Chair for Informatics 19 (sebis), Technische Universität München, 2008.
[Bu10x] Buckl, S.; Dierl, T.; Matthes, F.; Schweda, C.M.: Building Blocks for Enterprise Architecture Management Solutions. In: Harmsen, F. et al. (editors), Practice-Driven Research on Enterprise Tramsformation, second working conference, PRET 2010, Delft, Springer, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), Vol. 69, p. 17-46, 2010.