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Wessel Poelman

Last modified Nov 6, 2023

Software Engineering for Business Information Systems

Chair of Informatics 19

Department of Informatics
Technische Universität München

Boltzmannstraße 3
D-85748 Garching


Room:    01.12.038
Email:   wessel.poelman[at]
Phone:   +49 89 289 17139



I've joined the KU Leuven, please reach out there if you need to contact me.


Curriculum Vitae

Wessel started his PhD at the chair of Software Engineering for Business Information Systems in April 2023. He holds two bachelors (Communication and Information Science) and a masters in Information Science from the University of Groningen. He worked multiple years in start ups, both as a Software Engineer and Machine Learning Engineer. His master thesis focused on language-neutral semantic parsing, which resulted in a publication. His research interests lie in natural language understanding, dialogue systems and semantic parsing.


Research Interests

  • Natural Language Understanding
  • Dialogue Systems
  • Semantic Parsing