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Dr. Jörg Landthaler

Last modified Jan 22, 2021
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Software Engineering for Business Information Systems
Chair of Informatics 19 
Department of Informatics
Technische Universität München

Boltzmannstraße 3
D-85748 Garching bei München

joerg [dot] landthaler [at] tum [dot] de




Curriculum Vitae

Jörg Landthaler has been a research associate at the chair for Software Engineering of Business Information Systems (sebis) at Technische Universität München from 2015 to 2019. He holds a M.Sc. degree from Technische Universität München acquired during his studies in computer science and economics with focus on Numerics, Machine Learning and Operations Research. After several years of practical experience as a full-stack developer in the early stages of an e-commerce startup he joined the sebis group.

Thomas ReschenhoferLinkedIn ORCID iD

 Mr. Landthaler has been the contact person and organizer of the Sebis Workshops Series until 2017.


Research Interests

A major research interests is the practical application of automated semantic analysis methods on legal texts of any kind.


Research Projects


Selected Invited Talks & Presentations

  1. Anwendungen von Word Embeddings für die juristische Suche, Brown Bag - LegalTech @ Weblaw CH, Podcast, 27th Februar, 2019

Publications (in reverse chronological order)

[La19a] Landthaler, J.; Glaser, I; Lecker, H.; Matthes, F.: User Study on Selection Search and Semantic Text Matching in German Tenancy Law, in: Weblaw, Jusletter IT 21. Februar 2019
[Gl19a] Glaser, I; Landthaler, J.; Matthes,F.: Supporting the Legal Reasoning Process by Classification of Judgments Applying Active Machine Learning, IRIS: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 2019
[La19a] Landthaler, J.; Glaser, I; Lecker, H.; Matthes,F.: User Study on Selection Search and Semantic Text Matching in German Tenancy Law, IRIS: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 2019
[El18a] Elnaggar, A.; Waltl, B.; Glaser, I.; Landthaler, J.; Scepankova, E., Matthes: Stop Illegal Comments A Multi-Task Deep Learning Approach, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2018 (Track Best Paper Award Winner)
[La18c] Landthaler, J.; Glaser, I.; Matthes, F.: Towards Explainable Semantic Text Matching, Proceedings of Jurix 2018: International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Groningen, Netherlands, 2018
[La18b] Landthaler, J.; Uludağ, Ö.; Bondel, G.; Elnaggar, A.; Nair, S.; Matthes, F.: A Machine Learning Based Approach to Application Landscape Documentation, 11th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM), Vienna, Austria, 2018
[La18a] Landthaler, J.; Scepankova, E.; Glaser, I; Lecker, H.; Matthes,F.: Semantic Text Matching of Contract Clauses and Legal Comments in Tenancy Law, IRIS: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 2018
[Wa17d] Waltl, B.; Landthaler, J.; Matthes,F.: Differentiation and Empirical Analysis of Reference Types in Legal Documents, in: Jusletter IT Flash 17. August 2017, Full Paper
[La17a] Landthaler, J.; Waltl, B.; Huth, D.; Braun, D.; Stocker, C.; Geiger, T.; Matthes, F.: Extending Thesauri Using Word Embeddings and the Intersection Method, Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Automated Semantic Analysis of Information in Legal Texts (ASAIL’17), London, UK, June 16, 2017,
[Wa17b] Waltl, B.; Bonczek, G.; Scepankova, E.; Landthaler, J.; Matthes, F.: Predicting the Outcome of Appeal Decisions in Germany’s Tax Law, International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP): Policy Modeling and Policy Informatics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2017, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-64322-9_8
[Wa17] Waltl, B.; Landthaler, J.; Scepankova, E.; Matthes, F.; Geiger, T.; Stocker, C.; Schneider, C.: Automated Extraction of Semantic Information from German Legal Documents, IRIS: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 2017  (LexisNexis Top 10 Paper)
[La16c] Landthaler, J.; Waltl, B.; Holl, P.; Matthes, F.: Extending Full Text Search for Legal Document Collections using Word Embeddings, Jurix: International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Sofia Antopolis, France, 2016
[Wa16c] Waltl, B.; Landthaler, J.; Matthes, F.: Differentiation and Empirical Analysis of Reference Types in Legal Documents, Jurix: International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Sofia Antopolis, France, 2016
[LLCM16] Kleehaus, M.; Landthaler, J.; Huth, D.; Matthes, F.: Multi-layer monitoring and visualization - State of the Art Report for the TUM LLCM Project, Technical Report, Munich, Germany, 2016
[La16b] Landthaler, J.; Kleehaus, M.; Matthes, F.: Multi-level Event And Anomaly Correlation Based on Enterprise Architecture Information, 12th International Workshop on Enterprise & Organizational Modeling and Simulation: EOMAS, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2016
[Be16] Beckers, K.; Landthaler, J.; Matthes, F.; Pretschner, A.; Waltl, B.: Data Accountability in Socio-Technical Systems, Working Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design: EMMSAD, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2016


Landthaler, J.; Waltl, B.; Matthes, F.: Unveiling References in Legal Texts - Implicit versus Explicit Network Structures, IRIS: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 2016


Landthaler, J.: Image Object and Document Classi cation using Neural Networks with Replicated Softmax Input Layers

Master's ThesisTechnische Universität München, Munich, Germany, 2011.



Landthaler, J.: Integration of the PDE Framework Peano in the Grid Environment GridSFEA

Bachelor's ThesisTechnische Universität München, Munich, Germany, 2008.


Teaching (in reverse chronological order)

SS 2018 Master Natural Language Processing - Methods and their Application on Legal Texts  Seminar  Advisor
SS 2018 Master Web Applications Engineering Lecture & Projects  Advisor
WS 17/18 Bachelor Software Engineering for Business Applications Lecture & Excercise Organizer
SS 2017 Master Natural Language Processing - Methods and their Application on Legal Texts Seminar Organizer
SS 2017 Master Web Applications Engineering Lecture & Projects Advisor
WS 16/17 Master Master Lab Course Web Applications Lab Course Advisor
WS 16/17 Bachelor Software Engineering for Business Applications Lecture & Excercise Organizer
SS 2016 Bachelor & Master Text Mining und Artificial Intelligence für die Zukunft des Rechts Seminar Advisor 
WS 15/16 Bachelor Software Engineering for Business Applications Lecture & Excercise Advisor
WS 10/11 Bachelor Numerisches Programmieren Lecture & Excercise Tutor
SS 2010 Bachelor Numerisches Programmieren Lecture & Excercise Tutor
WS 09/10 Bachelor Numerisches Programmieren Lecture & Excercise Tutor
SS 2009 Bachelor Grundlagen: Rechnernetze & Verteilte Systeme Lecture & Excercise Tutor


Student Theses