2023 |
Detecting ChatGPT: A Survey of the State of Detecting ChatGPT-Generated Text (2023). In Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop associated with RANLP-2023, pages 1–11, Sep 4–6, 2023.
Paper: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2309.07689
Dhaini, M., & Mansour, N. (2021). Squirrel search algorithm for portfolio optimization. Expert Systems with Applications, 178, 114968
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2021.114968
Dhaini, M., Jaber, M., Fakhereldine, A., Hamdan, S., & Haraty, R. A. (2021). Green Computing Approaches-A Survey. Informatica, 45(1).
Jaber, M., Fakhereldine, A., Dhaini, M., & Haraty, R. A. (2021). A novel privacy-preserving healthcare information sharing platform using blockchain. In Security and Privacy Issues in IoT Devices and Sensor Networks (pp. 245-261). Academic Press.
Research Projects
GAIA-X 4 Production, After-Sales and PLC - Across Automated Driving
The Gaia-X project aims to build a federated data infrastructure for Europe. As part of the GAIA-X 4 Future Mobility project family, this project focuses on the secure implementation of digital twins for the automotive sector in the context of automated driving through an open distributed data ecosystem (ODDE). Spanning the entire product lifecycle, these twins are envisioned to improve product verification, validation, and update strategies. More here.