Paper on Linked Semantic Description of Processes for Scientific Collaborations published
Apr 30, 2015
A paper has been accepted for publication at the European Semantic Web Conference. In the paper entitled "Supporting Open Collaboration in Science through Explicit and Linked Semantic Description of Processes", the author team (Yolanda Gil, Felix Michel, Varun Ratnakar, Jordan Read, Matheus Hauder, Christopher Duffy, Paul Hanson and Hilary Dugan) presents an approach to develop an organic data science framework based on a task-centered organization of the collaboration, including principles from social sciences for successful on-line communities, and exposes an open science process. Our approach is implemented as an extension of a semantic wiki platform, and captures formal representations of task decomposition structures, relations between tasks and users, and other properties of tasks, data, and other relevant science objects. All these entities are captured through the semantic wiki user interface, represented as semantic web objects, and exported as linked data. See [Gi15a]