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Lexalyze - Interdisciplinary Research Program

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed NLP Projects  last modified Nov 28, 2022 by Anum Afzal.    legal rechtsinformatik legal drafting laws contracts legal engineering text analytics compliance

compliance,contracts,laws,legal,legal drafting,legal engineering,rechtsinformatik,text analytics Research GDPR compliance". Technical Report. Technical University of Munich, Munich 2020. [Hu20a] Huth, D Norms in German Laws: Classification and Analysis Using Local Linear Explanations, Artificial Abstractness in German Laws using Lexical Knowledge, Proceedings of ICAIL Multilingual Workshop on AI & Measures of Complexity: Applying Structural and Linguistic Metrics to German Laws, Jurix: International

Semantic Analysis and Structuring of Contracts

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed NLP Projects     project legal informatics laws semantic technologies compliance research

Structuring of Contracts Not template related Show to the right of the text Hide Hide compliance,laws

Lexalyze - Interdisciplinary Research Program

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/_/Research-2020/LegalTech & German Natural Language Processing     legal rechtsinformatik legal drafting laws contracts legal engineering text analytics compliance

Types of Legal Norms in German Laws: Classification and Analysis Using Local Linear Explanations Concreteness and Abstractness in German Laws using Lexical Knowledge, Proceedings of ICAIL Multilingual Towards Measures of Complexity: Applying Structural and Linguistic Metrics to German Laws, Jurix Waltl, B.; Schneider, A. W.; Matthes, F.: Deriving and Modelling Compliance Requirements from Legal Research Program Not template related Show to the right of the text Hide Hide compliance,contracts

Semantic Analysis of Legal Texts

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed NLP Projects     project legal informatics laws semantic technologies compliance research

Hide Hide compliance,laws,legal informatics,project,research,semantic technologies Research Project Research Project Motivation Legal compliance is a key factor for all kinds of enterprises. The . However, the assurance of compliance and legal conformity is not trivial. Several aspects contribute to , Casellas, & Rubino, 2008). Based on the fact, that laws are mostly represented as text, we will information be extracted and summarized to support compliance processes? How can the results be