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Bachelor's Thesis Valérianne Walter

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     design science end-user development spreadsheet

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Master's Thesis Alexander Meissner

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     master's thesis end-user development spreadsheet web-based software

Student Project Design and Prototypical Implementation of a Web-based Spreadsheet System for -affine users are able to design complex spreadsheets. This spreadsheet virtue has led to the rise of spreadsheet use in many critical functions of organizations. It has also led to the increased risk of field of research but also advances the field of spreadsheet error prevention. /Sebis Public Website text Hide end-user development,master's thesis,spreadsheet,web-based software Student Project

Master's Thesis Patrick Bürgin

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     master's thesis end-user development spreadsheet web-based software

-Structured Data in a Traceable Way Abstract Dashboard systems and spreadsheet applications range development,master's thesis,spreadsheet,web-based software Student Project Copyright agreement - notification required Yes Checklist filled Yes Project Spreadsheet 2.0 - User-Oriented Tools for Analyzing

Bachelor's Thesis Florian Katenbrink

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     master's thesis end-user development spreadsheet web-based software

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Master's Thesis Michael Rose

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     master's thesis end-user development spreadsheet web-based software

-user development,master's thesis,spreadsheet,web-based software Student Project Checklist filled Yes

Master's Thesis Kehinde Fawumi

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     time-series patterns master's thesis end-user development spreadsheet web-based software

Show to the right of the text Hide Hide end-user development,master's thesis,patterns,spreadsheet ,time-series,web-based software Student Project Project Spreadsheet 2.0 - User-Oriented Tools for